Reporting and output

Reporting and output


This section describes FIA's reporting capabilities.

FIA calculates exposure, risk, peformance and attribution data (where appropriate) at security level for each date in your calculation interval, often resulting in large volumes of information. To extract useful insights from this data, it may need to be summarised in various ways so that the overall trends become clear.

FIA can generate reports in several different formats, including CSV, interactive Excel, JSON and SQL-ready export files. This supports the use of third-party reporting tool to build your reports.


When a report covers more than one time interval, compounding and smoothing of perforamance results becomes necessary. This fairly mathematical topic is covered in the linked pages.

Individual reports

💹Summary attribution report💹Interactive reports💹 Portfolio level risk reports💹Security level attribution reports💹Portfolio attribution report by date💹Maturity and duration exposure report💹Ex-post risk reports💹Yield curve report💹SQL data report

Reports over multiple intervals

For summary and interactive reports, FIA allows you to generate reports over sub-intervals of the overall calculation period.

If you assign one or more of the values in the following table to Intervals in FIA's configuration settings, FIA will generate additional sub-reports over the given interval(s). Permisible values are:

All dates in calculation interval
One day before end of interval
Week to date
Month to date
Quarter to date
Year to date

If no value is assigned to Intervals, FIA will calculate attribution over all dates in the supplied data.